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It takes more than UV light to achieve a tan...


Different Types of Tanning Lotions


We here at Tan Doctor know that it is easy to get lost in the metaphorical jungle that is the different types of tanning lotions. There’s “hot warming tanning lotions with tingle effects” and there’s “natural, DHA free tanning bronzers”, which all sounds great. But what does it mean, how is it relevant to you and most importantly: Which one is right for you?


In this article we’ll get into the nitty gritty of tanning lotions and hopefully shed some light on this issue to help you navigate this tough topic. We strive to provide you with the best information so that you can make an informed decision and walk away with a product that is handpicked by you and for you!


Tanning Accelerators


If you are a beginner tanner or if you have fair skin, this lotion type will help you jumpstart your tan. Tanning Accelerators contains the essential nutrients and moisture that your skins needs to get the base tan required before you can start using more advanced lotions.

The main feature of Tanning Accelerators is the large amount of moisturizers they contain. Simply put: moisturized skin tans faster, better and has the ability to remain tanned for longer. It is not recommended to tan without a tanning lotion and accelerators are a good, cheap option if you are just starting out.


Tanning Maximizers


This lotion type can be considered a step above the Tanning Accelerators. Unlike Accelerators, Tanning Maximizers do not contain large amounts of moisturizers. For that reason it’s best to only apply this lotion type directly before tanning.

Another identifier is that Maximizers contain Theraplexin which increases your skins ability to repair by more than 4 times. This gives you a darker and deeper tan that lasts for an extended period of time. While this type of lotion have slightly more advanced effects than the Accelerators this is still very much a lotion type for beginners. It’s often a little bit more expensive and it’s up to each and every one of us to decide whether the effects are worth it or not.

Tanning Bronzers


You may or may not know this, but letting your skin tan naturally can take between 24 and 48 hours. If you want to see immediate results you can use a tanning bronzer. This lotion type contains a light self-tanner that tans your skin within 2-3 hours, as your natural tan slowly develops.

The effect of tanning bronzers are temporary so by the time the bronzing effect goes away, your natural tan has already developed underneath. For people who want that immediate, overnight tan, bronzers can be a good choice. (Not all of them though… Keep reading to find out more.)

Some Bronzers use the active ingredient Dihydroxyacetone (DHA - Wikipedia) which has recently been linked to be the cause of skin irritation, asthma and in extreme cases even cancer. There are however tanning bronzers that are completely DHA free and still gives the same results.

Fair Warning: Some of the cheaper brands who uses DHA have a tendency to streak or turn you orange. If you don’t like the Oompa Loompa look, make sure you get a proper bronzer, or just skip the whole “I-want-results-NOOW” thing and get your hands on a good Tingle or Warming lotion for good and long lasting effects.

Warming lotions


You could say that this is the light version of the Tanning Tingle. A warming lotion gives you a therapeutic warming sensation, similar to the one you get after sitting in a sauna for a while. It will instantly give you a flush of color, although the effect is not as long lasting as the tingle lotion.

A Warming lotion is a great alternative to Tanning Bronzers, as it provides you with a similar effect without containing DHA and without streaking. It is also a great introduction to the Tanning Tingles.


Tanning Tingles


Tanning Tingles are available in two forms: Heating and Cooling. What separates Tanning Tingles from other lotion types is that it simulates the effects of a real sun tanning process. After using a tingle lotion you will feel a mild to severe heating of your skin and you will see a mild reddening effect.

What happens is that when applied, tanning tingles gets the blood flowing to the epidermis (outer skin layers) which increases melanin and oxygen levels. This enables your skin to absorb more UV light and will bring you a deeper, darker and more long lasting effect than any other lotion.

Click here to read our review on the Best Tanning Tingle Lotions.


After Tan Moisturizers

Whatever tanning lotion you choose you will want to pick up some sort of After Tan lotion. This type of lotion will rehydrate your skin after tanning which is important for three reasons:

  • It keeps your skin from aging

  • It extends the life of your tan and prevents skin flaking

  • Cools your body off after a hot tanning session

These should be applied within an hour after each tanning session to rehydrate your skin.




Please use professional Indoor Tanning Products

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